Stories and Strategies for Women

"What Would Sophia Loren Do?" - Netflex Documentary Hits Exact Right Tone

Season 2 Episode 42

The Netflix Documentary titled, "What Would Sophia Loren Do?" really had an effect on me.  I loved it and thought about it for weeks after I watched it.  In this quick podcast episode, I summarize the documentary (without spoilers) and share some of what I love about it and what made me think about life, love, hard work, and a woman's life.

Executive Producer, Regina Scully interviews her Mom, Nancy (Vincenza Careri) Kulik, who is a life-long fan of Sophia Loren, so much so that she (Nancy) invokes Loren's name again and again when a question or puzzle arises.  "What would Sophia Loren do?" She would ask herself.

Nancy was born in the States of Italian immigrant parents who frequented Italian movies that featured Sophia Loren.  In the documentary, the producer and director, Ross Kauffman skillfully interweaves the stories of the two women's lives with pictures, movie footage and interviews.  As I say in the podcast, "it is hard work to make something look so easy."  The documentary is clever and charming but does not shy away from some the most serious subjects in life - love and loss and tragedy. 

It is only 20 minutes long but it stayed with me.  I would love to hear your thoughts on it and what YOU take away.  Please hop over to my blog at to comment or catch my facebook or instagram post to comment.

I mention my book for new moms, It Gets Easier and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers in the podcast. 

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