Stories and Strategies for Women
Stories and Strategies for Women
Writers Group Members with Advice for Aspiring Authors
Is Joining a Writers Group a Good Idea for Aspiring Writers?
(or a great starting point/)
Join authors Linda Wisniewski, Sandra Carey Cody, and Susan Wagner in a fun, illuminating conversation about Women's Writing Groups. All the women are part of a writer's group created through their connection with the Pearl S Buck House in Bucks County, PA. Not all writers groups are created equal and I was curious about how the groups work and how joining one be might advantageous for writers.
Linda, Sandy and Susan share:
- their individual writing and publishing stories
- how writer's groups help them personally
- how they cope with critics
- why they write
- advice for the aspiring author on publishing
- resources that have helped them through their careers
- and much, much more.
Find out more about these authors and their books at their websites:
Linda Wisniewski at Lindawis.com
Sandra Carey Cody at SandraCareyCody.com
Susan Wagner at SusanEWagner.com
Meet the authors! If you are local, the authors will be attending the Flemington Summer Book Fest being held May 26th thru May 29th from 10-6.
If wish to explore memoir writing, Linda Wisniewski offers a class that starts today. Check it out if you are interested, she may have room for you.
Other resources that the ladies mention in the broadcast:
International Women's Writing Group
International Women's Writing Guild
International Poets
Sisters in Crime
Author's Guild
Pearl S. Buck Writing Center
Claudine Wolk Substack: Get Your Book Seen and Sold
Claudine Wolk Website: ClaudineWolk.com
Claudine's Instagram - @ClaudineWolk